Monday, November 30, 2009

The Uninvited Guest

One month ago I went on a camp-out with my friends in Big Bare Mountain thinking that I will have a relaxing time from all the stress of daily life. I preoccupied my time at the archery range and shotgun range as well as, canoe, fishing, swimming, wood carving, hiking and sleeping. We even cooked are food in a Dutch oven. In the middle of the week after a tiring day we thought for desert we would make a peach cobbler after it was done we gathered around the campfire with a food when before we could take a bite a bear interrupted us. Its head was into the dish of cobbler. We chased it away with are mettle pans, with all the food in them (oops) and that was the most exiting camp-out ever.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Sunday morning I woke to find all of my alarms going off at once. My phone, ipod and both my alarm clocks. After an unwanted scavenger hunt for my phone, I went to have a shower still a little drowsy, which probably was why I walked into a closed door. After showering I barely had enough time to get into my clothes before we had to go to church after church we had “courtyard”. Courtyard is when they set doughnuts and other tasty things to nibble on. When I got home sleeping was the only thing I wanted to do.
The day took place on a lazy Saturday morning and my younger brother was, as suspected up before every one else. I was the second to the last to get up and was the first to drowsily walk into the wall, next, to the bathroom (I am not the most graceful person in the morning). After I brushed my teeth, got dressed and ate my breakfast I passed my brother (still watching cartoons) I went straight for the door. And was called straight back. The garage needed cleaning. What looked to be a relaxing day turned out to be an all day chore.
One Friday night my sister was having a friend over. I decided to stay out of their way by going on the computer. Needless to say my brother was on one computer and refused to get off. So I thought that I could move to the other one. Of course, when I just was about to sit down, my Sister and her friend kicked me off! I would have stood my ground, if it had not been for annoying dialect (which was damaging my to the point of disrepair). “Get off” one would say, the other would add on” Stop hogging the computer”. And also if my mother hadn’t interfered… I would have been fine. So instead I sat myself down and started to watch the Lord of the Rings. Half an hour later, spontaneously, as if on cue they burst out singing, To TAYLOR SWIFT! Three hours later her parents picked her up. And that was my Friday night.

Roundheads and Cavaliers

The clash of civil wars is told thorough history books, old journals and even fantasy novels. This particular war was between the Royalist Cavilers and Cromwell’s Roundheads. King Charles’s and his Cavilers were very brave and loyal to the Crown of England, and most served the catholic faith. And having Charles on the thrown would salve some of England’s biggest political problems. However the tyrannical pressure and violent oppression to the protestant faith. Charles found the he needed more money for his Cavilers, such as housing. King Charles told his men that they could loge in other peoples houses which his men treated the owners badly. This is why the Roundheads were formed, to stop the operation of the Catholic Church. Eventually the Royalists were crushed and the tyrannical king was executed this ended the civil war.